Nietos Research Apps

Arctic Expedition 1.0
Arctic Expedition is a route-buildinggamesituated to the arctic seas, where the permafrost ismeltingrapidly and various dangers prowl the explorer.The player character is a researcher studying the changes inthearctic sea ice. To explore the area, the player must build askiingroute to the North Poles using hexagonal route tiles.Variousdangers including polar bears, ice cliffs and open wateradddifficulty to the task.Hold the Android device in portrait position. In new gameview,select game mode and the level of difficulty.Movement: Drag one of three tiles on the adjacent hex inthefront of the player character, rotate the tile to thedesiredposition and double tap. Multiple route hexes can be buildusingtiles already on the game area. A movement of more than onetilegenerates extra points. The player wins by arriving the northpolesafely. Post your best score in the Facebook and commentthegame!In the explore mode the player must ski the longestpossibleroute in the game area by placing the route tiles wisely onthefront of the player character. There's no time limit and theicedoes not melt.In the escape mode the player must also ski the longestpossibleroute in the game area, but the route must be accomplishedbebefore the sea ice melts. The ice starts melting from thesouthernend of the game area. There's no time limit, but the icewill meltrapidly in accordance with the selected difficultylevel.Tested for Samsung Galaxy S II mobile and Samsung Galaxy 10.1.Tabtablet computer.